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  • UnRooted Cuttings (36 varieties!)

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    There is only 1 item left in stock.
    There is only 1 item left in stock.
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    Each UnRooted cutting will be cut the day it’s packaged for shipping. Each cutting will consist of 1-2 nodes and leaves. When it reaches you, it will be ready to either plant in soil, or root in water.

    Varieties include:

    Pothos (picture 1) - Cebu Blue, Green Jade, Golden & Hawaiian

    Philodendrons (picture 2) - Brasil, Red Emerald, Camposortum, Florida Ghost, Heartleaf & Burle Marx

    Begonias (picture 3) - Beefsteak, Black Velvet, Benigo Pink & Pigskin

    Syngonium (picture 4)- White Butterfly, Berry Illusion, Pink Maria, Florida Green, Batik & Deep Cut Podophyllum 

    Hoya (picture 5) - Super Silver Eskimo Krohnihana, Bella, & Publicalyx

    Tradescantia (picture 6) - Purple Heart, Zebrina, & Pink Nanouk/Bubble Gum

    Picture 7:

    Monstera Adansonii Swiss Cheese Vine

    Tetrasperma Raphidophora aka “mini” monstera

    Cisuss Rhombifolia Grape Ivy

    Polynesian Ivy / Watermelon Begonia

    English Ivy & Variegated

    Picture 8:

    Dwarf Umbrella Tree & Variegated

    Green Maranta Prayer Plant

    Dracaena Trifasciata aka Snake Plant