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  • Blue Dream Straightest-Line-in-the-World Freshwater Neocaridina Shrimp

    $8.00 $6.00
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    This is possibly the straightest line of Blue Dreams in the world. The color and consistency is amazing!

    Blue Dream Freshwater Neocaridina Shrimp, price listed is per shrimp.

    Hardy, easy to keep shrimp. Hobbyist bred, healthy and disease-free!! Same care as a cherry shrimp; withstand a wide range of parameters. I have seen neocaridina survive some extreme conditions from frozen water to 90+ degrees, farenheit (Not recommended or long term conditions of course)

    I keep mine in harder water, ph 7.4-8+, TDS 300-600+, Temps range 72-74. They love to be in planted aquariums! I provide young adult to adult sizes shrimp, including a mix of male & female.

    English name: Blue Dream Shrimp

    Scientific nameNeocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. blue

    Size male/female: 1 in / 1.2 in

    Water temperature: 74 - 82 F

    Water Parameters: pH 6.5 - 8+

    Breeding Rate: high

    Behaviour: non-agressive

    Difficulty: easy